“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure, Science.” -Edwin Powell Hubble.”
Mankind has been using plants, flowers, and fruits from nature, in skin and hair care regime, for ages. Our grandmothers’ beauty regime were made with ingredients from their kitchens and backyard gardens. But, in today’s modern world, this is not enough to tackle the problems of skin and hair, caused by pollution, unhealthy food habits and toxic chemical products…
Hence, at SENSES, with the latest scientific knowledge, we take utmost care in manufacturing our SENSES skin and hair care products, to suit all types of skin and hair. Our products are formulated by experts and made with clinically proven ingredients to give you the best in skin and hair care regime. Our products are safe to use and you can see the visible difference in a few weeks. We are a trustworthy brand with a commitment to enhancing the health and beauty of your skin and hair.
- Paraben free.
- Cruelty free.
- Dermatologically tested.
- Safe to use.
- Visible productive results.
- Transparency in our ingredients.